Photo by Antonio Janeski on Unsplash
There will be a variety of teammates in a project, and the composition of the members will determine the team's performance. In today’s blog, we have categorized 6 types of teammates that you are most likely to encounter. Check the content below to see if it relates to you as a team player.
The leader
Every team needs a decision-maker who is driven by a clear goal. In order to guide the team to the right destination, the leader of the team is responsible for mentoring and motivating the other team members. A good team leader is often communicative and observant, he or she is able to identify each team member's talent and make sure they are allocated with the right task.
The perfectionist
Have you encountered the type of teammate who would check every detail of the project before submitting it? Even though it might add to everyone's workload, a perfectionist is always beneficial for a project. The work produced by perfectionists is often of good quality as they always identify areas for improvement. On the other hand, many perfectionists would face stress management problems due to the high expectation they set for themselves.
The listener
Have you worked with someone who rarely expresses their opinions or participates in group discussions but is always able to complete the assigned task in time? This type of teammate is very reliable as long as a clear set of instructions is given to them. However, to ensure that every team member’s needs are taken care of, we should encourage the quiet contributors to speak out more often by asking for their opinions.
The idea contributor
In a project, some creative individuals are able to bring a fresh perspective and find new ways to do things. They have lots of ideas in mind and are eager to try them out. Idea contributors often begin their sentences with "What if we try it this way..." or "We may also try...". Finding new possibilities can help differentiate your campaign from the competitors. However, what the other members should know is that not all of the creative ideas are implementable, even though they may sound great.
The mediator
It is important to have that one person who is able to mediate disagreement between group members before the conflict escalates. The mediator is often someone with high EQ and problem-solving skills. When tension arises between members, the mediator is able to show understanding to both sides and help them to reach a mutual agreement through excellent communication skills.
The free-rider
Everyone would want to avoid having this type of teammate on their team. A free-rider is someone who does very little work on their own because they rely on their teammates to complete the task for them. The most annoying thing about the free-rider is that he or she will be rewarded the same as their teammates who have worked so much harder. If you encounter a free-rider in your project, speak to the individual directly or inform your boss.
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