Final Application Deadline
15 November 2020
Location of Internship
What is Lunaris
Lunaris provides students with valuable industry experience through virtual company internship.
During the virtual internship, students are required to complete real-life projects in areas such as business consulting, market research, and IT.
Training workshops and industry mentor guidance are in place to facilitate the internship experience.
Certificate will be awarded after successful completion of Lunaris.

Lunaris Journey
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Virtual Company Attachment
Lunaris projects are officially crafted by participating companies. Students will directly liaise with company supervisors and make real business impacts as an intern.
Students will receive professional training from TalentLink about soft skills and technical skill sets so as to be well prepared for the company internship attachment.
TalentLink closely works with industry mentors from top firms who are able to offer customized guidance on company internship and career development.

2019 Winter
2019 Winter
2020 Summer
