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Many of us experience anxiety during interviews because we need to provide a suitable response within a short amount of time when a question is asked, so it is best to prepare beforehand. However, some questions are so tricky that you may not even understand the intention behind them. In today’s blog, we will disclose some of these tricky interview questions and teach you how to handle them. Check it out now!
1. How much do you earn in your current/previous job?
Should you disclose your current/previous salary- they are likely to refer to that one and pay you the minimum within a reasonable range. Employers try to cut costs, it is understandable, but this question is somewhat too private. Don’t be afraid to tell them this is confidential and you are willing to be paid according to your skills and the job content you will be handling. After all, there is no reason for you to tell a stranger about your past financial situation.
2. Why did you leave your previous job?
It would be tricky to answer this question because it might lead you to give inappropriate responses such as speaking negatively about your former employer, finger-pointing, frustration, or complaining. The interviewer asks you this question to see if you are resilient when facing difficulties. Recruiters want to see a positive attitude and a sense of confidence in you. We would recommend you to be honest, but don’t go into details. Take such difficult circumstances as an opportunity to learn.
3. What are your weaknesses?
Well, you should be honest when answering this question, but try to pick the weakness that is not conflicting with the position you are applying for. You can answer such a question smartly by sharing how you have addressed the weakness and made it a growing strength. A full mark would be awarded if you can relate this growing strength to a skill required by the job you are applying for.
4. Where do you see yourself in five years time?
Recruiters ask candidates this question to gauge their commitment. You should give an answer that shows you are willing to bring long-term benefits to the company. If you are not planning to stay in the company for five years, don’t show it. Instead, talk about what kind of position you’d like to have five years from now. The employer would like to hear that you have a clear plan for the future because it indicates that you will be motivated to work hard in their company.
5. Do you have any questions for me?
This is a very commonly asked question at the end of every interview. You should avoid answering “no” even if you really want to end this interview session as soon as possible. You may ask some in-depth questions to demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched the company. Or else, you can also demonstrate your interest in the position by asking for more information about it. For example, “what would you expect me to accomplish in my first two months if I were hired for this position?” and “could you please describe the management style of your organization?”.
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