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5 Tips to Maintain Your New Year Resolutions

It’s the time of the year again where we begin to set our New Year’s Resolutions! Exercising more, saving more money or eating healthier are common resolutions people make. However, studies have proven that approximately 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail!

Does this mean that you should just give up on your resolutions for this year? Definitely not!

Here are 5 key tips to maintain your New Year’s Resolutions for this year:

1. Create SMART goals

A majority of all resolutions fail because they are either vague, lack a specific plan, or are created based on what someone else or society says.

Goals need to be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

  • Specific – Your goals should be clear and specific.

  • Measurable – It is important to have measurable goals in order to keep track of your progress and stay motivated.

  • Achievable – Your goals have to be realistic. They should push you and enhance your abilities, but still remain possible to achieve.

  • Relevant – Ensure that your goals matter to you and that they are aligned with your values.

  • Time-Bound – Each and every goal has to have a timeframe for you to focus and work towards.

2. Identify actions that need to be taken

When you create a goal, you have to take actions that will help propel you towards accomplishing them.

For example, if you intend to exercise more to lose weight, it is essential to identify the types of exercises you can do. It is extremely difficult to lose weight without devising a plan that includes the specific actions that you will need to take.

3. Establish a Plan

As the saying by Benjamin Franklin goes, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.

Change does not happen overnight. Thus, you will need to establish a plan that can help you to accomplish your goals. Form good habits and break bad habits. Once you form a habit, you are likely to continue the momentum of taking actions towards your goal, even when your motivation dips.

Temptations and obstacles have to be accounted for in the plan as well. It could come in the form of school assignments or work tasks that leave you with lesser time to commit to your goals. By planning ahead, you will be prepared to manage these obstacles well.

4. Start & Track Your Progress

There is no stipulated time for you to start working on your goals. You can start working on it at your own pace when you are comfortable and confident. By this time, you should already be committed and have a plan ready.

It is important to keep track of your progress to see if you are on the right track. Utilise apps or calendars that help you to visualise progress. When you are able to see your progress, it will remind you of how far you have come and motivate you to stay on track!

5. Learn from your mistakes

Life is not a smooth-sailing journey. Mistakes inevitably occur and are a part of the process.

Studies have shown that even people who have successfully accomplished their resolutions can make mistakes up to 14 times during the process! When you make a mistake, such as skipping the gym for up to a week, it is important to learn from it and turn it into an opportunity to improve yourself.

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